Sunday, 7 December 2014

Do Super Bright, Juicy Lips you the Job?
Do Super Bright, Juicy Lips you the Job?
Your job industry or your company profile need to be considered before making a decision the best ways to dress yourself or present yourself for an interview. It is best to do your homework and study the company profile. Find graphics of people who work there to get an idea on how they dress up and how they look.

A position in the fashion industry might expect you to show yourself in the most special (often strange) manner. On the other hand, if you are making an application for a sales rep's position, you may have to be well dressed with light makeup and lipstick. A place in the IT industry may not care for your makeup at all.

The health factor

Needless to say, too much of makeup or lipstick is not only bad for your interview but for your health as well. Lipsticks can affect your mouth parts, especially the teeth and the lips. If you have been excessively using these cosmetics, it is recommended you check up with a good dental service like the Dental expert in Zanesville, Ohio. The Ohio-based service supplier offers a variety of dental treatments including Extractions, Dentures, Cleaning, Fillings/Crowns, Whitening and Oral Cancer Screening.

It is very important to be dressed neatly and look good when you are showing yourself for the first time. So, if you have been wondering why you are not able to get a job in spite of a good interview performance, it can be your false eyelashes, heavy liner, glossy kiss-me lips or rainbow eye shadows that is spoiling your chance.

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